Why Your Insurance Premium Shouldn’t Go Up After a Non-Fault Claim

Accidents happen. Whether it’s a minor fender-bender or something more serious, no driver wants to deal with the aftermath of an accident. And while filing a claim is stressful enough, there’s an added frustration for many drivers: the fear that their insurance premium might increase, even if the accident wasn’t their fault.

But should your premium really go up after a non-fault claim? The answer is no—and here’s why.

What Is a Non-Fault Claim?

First, let’s break down what we mean by a non-fault claim. Simply put, a non-fault claim occurs when you are involved in an accident where the other driver is responsible for the damages. In this case, the at-fault driver’s insurance covers the cost of repairs, medical bills, or any other associated costs, meaning your insurance company shouldn’t be financially affected.

Since your insurer isn’t paying for the claim, there’s a strong argument that your premium shouldn’t increase. However, things are not always as straightforward as they seem in the world of insurance.

Why Do Some Insurers Increase Premiums After Non-Fault Claims?

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for drivers to notice an increase in their premiums after a non-fault accident. But why does this happen, even when the accident wasn’t your fault?

  1. Higher Perceived Risk: Insurers use a wide range of data to calculate risk. If you’ve been in an accident—whether it was your fault or not—they may view you as a higher risk driver simply because you’ve been involved in a collision. They might assume that being in one accident makes you more likely to be involved in another.

  2. Administrative Costs: Even though your insurer isn’t paying for the repairs or medical costs in a non-fault claim, they still incur administrative costs. Handling paperwork, liaising with the other insurer, and managing the claim takes time and resources. Some insurers factor these costs into future premiums.

  3. Market Trends: Insurance premiums can also increase because of external factors, like rising repair costs, increases in fraudulent claims, or changes in the insurance industry. Sometimes, an increase in premium after a non-fault claim has little to do with your specific case, but more to do with broader market conditions.

Why Your Premium Shouldn’t Go Up

Despite these industry practices, there are good reasons why your premium shouldn’t go up after a non-fault claim:

  1. You Aren’t Responsible: At its core, the purpose of car insurance is to protect drivers from the financial burden of accidents. If you aren’t responsible for an accident, it’s unfair to penalize you by increasing your premiums. Your driving record remains the same, and since the cost is being borne by the other party’s insurer, your risk level as a customer should not change.

  2. No Claims Bonus Protection: Most drivers are concerned about their no-claims bonus when making any kind of claim. However, in a non-fault accident, your no-claims bonus should remain intact. If your insurance company increases your premium despite protecting your no-claims bonus, it may be worth questioning why this is happening.

  3. Competitive Market: The car insurance market is highly competitive, and many insurers now offer policies that explicitly state non-fault claims won’t affect premiums. This means you can shop around and find insurers that reward responsible driving, even if you’ve been involved in a non-fault accident. Companies that unfairly raise premiums after a non-fault claim risk losing customers to more transparent competitors.

What Can You Do to Prevent a Premium Increase?

While it’s frustrating to think that your premium might rise through no fault of your own, there are steps you can take to minimize this risk:

  1. Choose the Right Insurer: Not all insurers treat non-fault claims the same way. When comparing insurance quotes, ask specifically about their policy on non-fault claims and whether it will affect your premium. Some insurers offer accident forgiveness, ensuring your rate won’t change even after you file a claim that wasn’t your fault.

  2. Work with an Accident Management Company: One of the best ways to protect yourself after a non-fault accident is to work with an accident management company like AutoAssure. Instead of going through your own insurer, AutoAssure manages the entire claims process with the at-fault party’s insurer. This way, your own insurer isn’t involved in the claim, meaning your premium won’t be affected.

  3. Shop Around: If your current insurer raises your premium following a non-fault claim, it’s worth exploring other options. The insurance market is competitive, and you may be able to find a provider that offers you a better deal or doesn’t penalize you for an accident you didn’t cause.

  4. Install a Dashcam: Evidence is key when determining who’s at fault in an accident. Having clear dashcam footage can quickly prove you weren’t responsible, leading to a faster resolution of your claim. Insurers are more likely to treat you fairly when they have irrefutable proof that you weren’t at fault.

How Auto Assure Helps You After a Non-Fault Accident

At AutoAssure, we understand how frustrating it can be to deal with the aftermath of an accident, especially when you weren’t to blame. That’s why we offer comprehensive accident management services designed to protect your interests, prevent unnecessary premium increases, and take the stress out of the claims process.

Here’s how we help:

  • No involvement of your insurer: By managing your claim directly with the at-fault driver’s insurer, we ensure that your own insurance provider doesn’t need to get involved—keeping your premium safe from increases.

  • Free replacement vehicle: We can help provide you with a courtesy vehicle while your car is being repaired, at no cost to you.

  • Expert claim handling: Our team liaises with the at-fault insurer to ensure that all repairs, medical expenses, and compensation are taken care of without delay.

At Auto Assure, we believe that drivers who aren’t responsible for accidents shouldn’t be penalised. Our job is to protect you from the financial repercussions of a non-fault claim and get you back on the road as quickly as possible.


Dealing with an accident is tough enough without having to worry about increased premiums afterward. If you’ve been in a non-fault accident, remember that your insurance premium shouldn’t go up just because someone else was at fault. By choosing the right insurer, leveraging accident management services, and shopping around, you can protect your no-claims bonus and keep your premiums stable.

At Auto Assure, we’re committed to helping drivers handle non-fault claims without the hassle or financial stress. If you’ve been in an accident and need expert support, contact us today—we’re here to help.


Understanding Non-Fault Claims: What Every Driver Needs to Know